Sunday, July 18, 2010

2010 Federalist. No. 02, How to Implement These Changes

2010 Federalist. No. 02, How to Implement These Changes

As I have already stated, it will not be easy to implement these ideas and return our government to the one envisioned by the founders for the benefit of the citizenry, and not a ruling class. But we must attempt to fix these issues lest we end up with a society like the one envisioned by George Orwell in his book 1984 or Steven King in The Running Man. The choice is truly ours, but it will take the greatest of efforts. We have to take back our government through the very processes that we strive to support. This revolution must take place at the voting booths across America. To allow any other path would be suicide for our government and our way of life.

So how much effort is required? A lot. Second, we will have to identify candidates that will agree to erode the current power levels of the government if elected to office. They will have to make pledges to support this platform at every opportunity. Recognizing that both political parties have platforms that their candidates pledge to follow would suggest that all we need to do is fix a platform. However, even a cursory review of candidates’ actions once elected compared to their campaign pledges and compared to (or rather contrasted from) the platform planks that existed before the election would disclose that the platform is nice, but meaningless. As you go through these essays, that is one thing that will stand out. Politicians have become professional office holders, and generally, professional office holders are only loyal to the promise of the moment. Yesterdays promises are like yesterday’s news – in the trash.

Third, we will have to decide which items to attempt first. We would never be able to institute them all at once. I would suggest that we fix the election of Senators and the taxing procedure first. If we can fix those two things, we will succeed at all the others. This gives us a fair taxation and reasonable fiscal control that we citizens can control and still earn our livings as we please. It also ensures States’ Rights, which will, along with the taxation and collection process, ensure control of the government by the people, and not control of the people by the government.

Fourth, we have to persevere. There will be failures along the way. But if we work hard, there will be more successes than failures. Barack Hussein Obama has been a failure. He is our failure. We elected him. We put him where he is, and consequently, we allowed him to wreak havoc on our way of life. We can survive after he is gone. We can stop most of his shenanigans in November, but we have to exert great effort, and we have to make sacrifices. If we do not persevere, if we give up half-way through, we will end up like Winston Smith in 1984. Not just defeated, but totally defeated. In the end, Big Brother was not only in control, but Winston loved him all the more and was happy that he himself had no control. If we start this and lose, the government will be more powerful than ever before. They will know that they cannot be defeated, and more intrusion into our personal lives will follow. There will be no stopping them. They will continue to take over businesses. They will continue to regulate our access to all of our needs. We will be told how to feel, how to behave and how to live. No, we have to be like Ben Richards in The Running Man. He never quit. He exposed the villain for what he was. He overcame. He was loyal to himself and the people. He returned control to the people. That is what we must do, overcome and return the power to the people.

But first, we have to prepare. This is the hardest part, because it is time consuming and noticeable successes are slow in coming at this stage. But to succeed, we have to do this right, and we have to plan our process. Plan the work and work the plan. Then work the plan some more. That is what the Tea Parties are doing in a lot of places across America. We must organize. We must get our team in the chairmanship positions of each precinct across America. To do this, we have to work in both political parties. But never fear, the parties will not overcome, we will. The good news is that most of the members of both parties will agree with us. They will be guided by those of us who bring an all new grass roots movement to our country – one designed for the people controlling the government. Then we must prepare a list of goals like the ones that follow and prepare a People’s Platform. We must agree on a national level what to pursue first and with the most effort – what makes the most difference now. Then we identify candidates for each position on our respective ballots and regardless of the political party. Remember, we are choosing candidates who agree with our platform; the party does not matter. We have to set our platform in front of those candidates, and ask them to sign a contract to support it after their election. We should have newspapers, TV and radio present to mark the occasions. And once they are elected, we should measure their success by how they support the platform, and then advertise that track record for all to see on a regular basis. Some of us will have to give up our current jobs for at least a time to become representatives of the people. All of us will have to work for these colleagues to ensure their success. All of us will have to campaign. All of us will have to vote. All of use will have to recruit others. All of us will have to donate – our time and our money.

It will not be easy. As I see it, we have two possible paths: the one Winston took or the one Ben took. This CAN be done. Many of the Tea Parties are already getting the contracts and pledges signed. They have already identified many candidates. We need to prioritize which pledges are being pushed, and we need to organize our efforts on a more cohesive path across the entire nation. The Tea Parties will have to organize as a national force acting in a single cohesive direction.

I offer the following suggestions for goals in our quest to return our government to the people. I leave the leadership and implementation to those greater than I.

Citizen 2010

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